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 +229-329-2949  |   Contact APRES

Join APRES / Renew Membership

You can use this form to join APRES or to renew your membership. To renew your membership, you need to login to the site first, and your previous member record will be available to renew. If you are already logged in, pllease proceed below and select the options that apply to you.

APRES Membership is an annual membership (12 months) and our membership year is July 1 - June 30.

New Member information

To join APRES, please fill out the registration information below. 

Select your membership type below
Membership *
 Please renew my membership automatically.
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Your Registration Info
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address