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Call for Papers


57th Annual Meeting
July 15-17 2025

Omni Richmond Hotel

Instructions to Authors for Abstract Submission

  1. APRES 57th Annual MeetingAbstracts will be accepted on-line exclusively.
  2. Deadline for Submission is Monday, March 31, 2025.
  3. Complete the abstract submission form. One form per abstract or poster.
  4. Indicate how you want to present your paper: Oral Presentation or Poster.
  5. Select the technical session in which you prefer to present your paper or poster.

Choices are:

    • Breeding, Biotechnology, and Genetics
    • Charles Simpson Wild Species Session
    • Economics
    • Entomology
    • Extension Techniques and Technology
    • Food Science (Processing, Utilization, Nutrition, and Allergy)
    • General Session
    • Grower-Focused Session
    • Harvesting, Curing, Shelling, Storing, and Handling Mycotoxins
    • Physiology and Seed Technology
    • Plant Pathology and Nematology
    • Poster Session
    • Production Technology
    • Weed Science
  1. Indicate if you are entering either the Joe Sugg Graduate Student Competition (Oral Presentation) or the Graduate Student Poster Competition
  2. Enter the title of your abstract.
  3. Upload abstract file (only MS Word .doc or .docx accepted). Click here to view SAMPLE ABSTRACT | Download SAMPLE ABSTRACT (.docx)
  4. Revisions: If you need to make a revision after submitting your abstract, you must complete the online submission process again and attach the updated file. Revisions will be accepted until Fri, May 30, 2025.

Abstract Formatting Instructions

  1. File Formats Accepted: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file.
  2. File Names: Files should be named with presenting author's last name and an abbreviated title of the abstract. (Example: KemeraitRC-Peanut Rx). Using this format makes it easier for APRES staff to organize the meeting sessions.
  3. The abstract should be prepared in good scientific form and READY FOR PUBLICATION. Abstracts are printed directly from your submission into the published Proceedings. Abstracts will be reviewed for proper formatting, typos and grammatical errors prior to publication. Submissions requiring major revision will be returned to the author(s).
  4. Format of the abstract:
a. Paper Size: Use 8.5” x 11" letter page size.
b. Margins: One-inch (1") margins on all sides for a line width of 6.5 inches (6.5”).
c. Font: Use Arial font for the entire abstract.
d. Line Spacing: Single space (1.0) with double space (2.0) between paragraphs and major divisions.
e. Abstract Title: Bold the Title and use 12-point Arial font. Capitalize the first letter of important words.
Authors & Affiliations List:
f. Formatting: Author Names and Affiliations begin on the line following the abstract title. Indent 0.5" all lines with author names and Affiliations. Use Arial 11- point font. Align text to left margin.
g. Name: CAPITALIZE each author's name. Begin with the initials of the author’s first name, followed by the last name, e.g., HOLBROOK, C.C.
h. Affiliation: Each author's name should be followed by the author(s) institution(s) name and location. If desired, multiple authors from the same organization may be combined and then followed by the institution information. Note: the same author order must be used if published for the Bailey Award. 
i. Presenting Author Designation: Bold and Place an asterisk(*) after the name of the Presenting Author Only, e.g., HOLBROOK, C.C.*. This identifies to attendees who will be presenting the paper.
Abstract Body:
j. No hard returns anywhere in your abstract.
k. Line Spacing: Double line space (2.0) between the list of authors and the body (content) of the abstract. Single space the abstract body.
l. Font: Use Arial 11-point font for the body of your abstract.
m. Alignment: Align all text left (i.e., do not full justify). Do not use hard carriage returns in the body of the text.
   6. More example abstracts can be viewed from previous Annual Meeting Proceedings: https://apresinc.com/about/annual-meeting-proceedings  

Presentation Details

  1. Only one (1) paper with the same APRES member as senior author will be accepted for an oral presentation. An invited paper for symposia does not count against the (1) paper limit for senior authors.

Graduate students may compete in only one of three awards competitions: Bailey Award (Best Oral Presentation at 2025 Meeting); Joe Sugg Graduate Student Competition (Oral Presentation); or, Graduate Student Poster Competition. Please indicate which Graduate Student competition you are entering and if you are a Masters or PhD student.

  1. Oral Presentations: Time Limits and Equipment: Presentations for regular sessions must fit within a 15-minute time period. Presentations should be prepared and saved in PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) format. Presentations should be submitted prior to the meeting, or saved to a USB flash drive and given to the Technical Program Chair at registration for pre-loading. Presentation files need to be loaded the day prior to the presentation, not loaded in the room on same day as the session.
  1. Poster Presentations: An area with display boards will be provided for mounting the requisite 40” x 30” posters. Please format your posters in landscape mode to better fit the easels in Richmond (see example}. Authors may display more than one poster. Optional: Authors may also provide a pdf poster image for inclusion (post meeting) on the APRES YouTube channel.

Notification Date

All Authors (oral presentations and posters) will be notified by May 9th if their abstract has been selected for presentation at the 2025 APRES Annual Meeting. An abstract with no content or simply “TBD” will not be accepted. The May 30 revision deadline is to revise an existing abstract, not buy time to prepare the abstract later.

2025 Proceedings

An abstract accepted for presentation at the 2025 APRES Annual Meeting must be presented at the meeting (via oral presentation or poster) to be included in the 2025 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. 

Thank you for your interest in presenting your research at the 2025 APRES Annual Meeting.

Need More Information?

Contact 2025 Technical Program Chairman: 
Dan Anco
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Clemson University – Edisto Research and Education Center
Blackville, SC 29817