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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

APRES Annual Meeting

2024 APRES Annual Meeting

Peanut Science Journal

Peanut Science Magazine

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Submit Your Abstract

Abstract Submission for the 2024 APRES meeting is now closed. We'd like to thank everyone who submitted presentations. We will be notifying selected presenters on May 5th.


Submit Your Poster Abstract

Poster Abstract Submission

Extension of APRES Poster Submission Deadline

We are encouraging more international participation in APRES 56 by offering virtual attendance to the General Session, Flavor Symposium, and Joe Sugg Graduate Student Competition. International participants may also now submit posters. To accommodate this change, the abstract deadline for posters has been extended to April 21 for both domestic and international participants.

Please enter your first name.
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Please enter your street address.
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Please enter your email address.
Please enter your phone number
Please enter your Abstract Title.
Please select the appropriate technical session.
Please select which program you're pursuing..
Please include your abstract in .doc or .docx format..

By clicking the Confirm Read Abstract Formatting Instructions button below, I'm confirming that I have read and understand the Abstract Formatting instructions provided for me here

You must confirm that you've read the Abstract Submission guidelines.